Monday, May 4, 2009

Shout Out to EastLake Business Association

Here's a high-five to EastLake Business Association ( for having the foresight to agree to become a "Virtual DMO." Virtual DMO, or Virtual Destination Marketing Organization, is an entity that serves as a marketing entity for a region, while being almost 100% online. EastLake Business Association consumes little to no natural resources (other than the power of several computers and the Diet Cokes consumed by its Executive Director), but is beginning the process of becoming a marketing powerhouse for the Smith Mountain Lake region... Virtually. A new tourism and economic development website will soon be launched at Rack cards will be produced to promote the organization and the new Destination SML website, but the use of paper products and printing will decrease and the marketing capacity of the website and a social networking campaign increase. Go Green and Go SML!